Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Scout Projects Delay Progress

Well, I must apologize for the lack of updates over the past couple of weeks.  Since my last post about the steam box it has been completed and is now awaiting its first test.  I have managed to cut the stock for the inner and outer stems over the past couple of weeks as well.

The bulk of my time in the garage/shop the last two weeks has been working on Cub Scout and Boy Scout projects.  With the new school year starting up our Cub Scout Pack is in need of a new Pushmobile this year.  I was able to take some of the lumber that was in the garage and build a new pushmobile.  Last night I started painting the finished frame and drilled the holes to set the axles for the wheels.  Tonight I will finish the painting and hopefully get the wheels mounted and be done with Scout Project #1.

The other Scout project in my work queue is building 2 chuck boxes for the District Training Team.  I have had the lumber in my garage since April and never managed to get started on that project.  With our fall outdoor leader training coming up in mid-September I need to make sure that at least one of the chuck boxes is built.  I found a nice set of plans online and intend on making most of the cuts in the evening this week so that I can assemble the box this weekend and get it prepped for varnish.

After all of this extra work is done I will be back to the canoe build and making the seats and forms for the canoe.  Needless to say I may not be to the point of forming the hull until sometime in October at this rate.  Enjoy the pictures and I will post another update next week.

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