Monday, August 4, 2014

Building the Steam Box

This weekend I spent most of my time on the project cleaning up the garage and starting to make more room to support the size of the strongback.  There is still a bit of work to go before I am actually assembling the canoe.  Now that the strips are cut for the hull I need to cut the pieces for the stems, paddles, seats, thwarts and gunwales.
Building the steam box for steam bending the stems was my goal for the weekend and I managed to finish that project with the exception of the door.  I neglected to pick up the weather stripping to seal the door.  I plan to install the door this week and fire it up to do a couple of test bends.  I will make sure to post the results for everyone to see.
My original estimate was that I would start stripping the hull by the end of September and I am starting to realize that I may have been a little too optimistic.  In order to have a chance at reaching my goal I will have to fast track the preparation steps by spending some time in the evenings working on the smaller preparation steps.
All in all I am very pleased with the project so far.  It has been very enjoyable despite the 90+ degree temperatures and high humidity.  

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