Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Slow progress this week.

I has been over a week since my last post and I must unfortunately report that I have made very little progress over that period.  I fell ill with a very nasty stomach flu last week and spent the better part of last week and this weekend regaining my strength.  I did manage to strip two boards of basswood late Saturday but stopped because the 96 degree heat and high humidity were getting to me quickly.

The really positive note is that the mystery of the missing ash wood for the stems, seats and gunwales has been solve.  The simple fact is that I did not bring home any ash because I asked for alder instead.  The best part of the brain fart is that I did not bring home any alder either.  I went back to the lumber store Saturday and they were very nice and helped me correct my own mistakes.  The adventure resulted in me finally bringing home two pieces of 8/4 ash that should be enough to make my stems and seats at the minimum.  I believe that I may have enough to make the gunwales as well but I am not 100% sure at this time.

Anyway, this weekend's plans will keep me away from the garage so I will not be stripping boards again for at least another week. 

I will probably post again this coming week as I finalize which canoe design I will be building.

Stay Tuned!

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